Chester Robbins, MD
Chester Robbins, MD
Matthias VonReusner, MD
Matthias VonReusner, MD
Maura Sullivan, MD
Maura Sullivan, MD
Arthur Chandler, MD
Arthur Chandler, MD
Matthew Seiffert, MD
Matthew Seiffert, MD
Tasha Arciello, A-GNP-C
Tasha Arciello, A-GNP-C
Helen Garber, FNP-C
Helen Garber, FNP-C
Jaclyn Finn, A-GNP-C
Jaclyn Finn, A-GNP-C
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Patient Centered Medical Home
HURLEY AVENUE FAMILY MEDICINE (845) 339-2804 or (845) 338-2541


At Hurley Avenue Family Medicine, PLLC, our primary goal is to provide the best possible care to every patient.  The only way to meet this goal is to build a trusting partnership between an informed patient, the patient’s doctor, and the health care team.  A medical home is a team approach to providing patients with the best health care.
To fulfill this partnership, we will:
Respect you as an individual
Explain diseases, treatments, and results.
Listen to your feelings and questions to help you make decisions and set healthy goals.
Keep medical information and records private.
Provide safe and qualified care
Provide you with your primary care provider
               We use evidenced base care in treating our patients
Provide clear directions about medicines and treatments
Send you to trusted experts, if needed
End every visit with clear instructions about expectations, treatment goals, medicines and future plans
Strive to build flexibility to schedule you with your personal physician/provider whenever possible
Provide 24-hour phone access to the health care team
In return, we trust you to:
Be in charge of your health
Learn about wellness and preventing disease and make healthy decisions
Learn what your insurance covers
Be honest and thorough about your history, symptoms and any changes in your health
Tell us what medications you are taking and ask for refills during your office visit
Tell us when you see other doctors, medications they prescribed and ask them to send a report about your care or any emergency or urgent care visits
Be a good patient
Take all of your medicine and follow your treatment plan, or tell us of you cannot do so
Respect us as partners in your care
Pay your co-pay when you are seen in the office
Keep your appointments as scheduled, or call and let us know if you need to cancel
Communicate with us
Ask questions, share feelings, be part of your care
Call your doctor first with all problems, unless it is a medical emergency
Provide us with feedback to improve services
End every visit with a clear understanding of your doctor’s expectations, treatment goals and future plans.          
You can reach our providers after hours at our service 845-334-2070